Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Classes and such!

My classes are great so far! I like my professors and the size of my classes (smallest being 10 students and largest being 20)...so not like my classes in Ann Arbor! It's weird taking history and art history classes too-but my favorite class so far surprisingly is Italian! I love the Italian language and my professor is great :)

A group of us took about a 2 hour walk around Sesto today (we were kind of lost, but then again we didn't really have an intended place to go...so we just wandered)

We ended up going to The Drunk Ladder for drinks and then came back to the Villa and learned what an "A Bar" was..."After Bar - Party", so we had a little gathering in the basement and we sang Billy Joel, danced, and got to know each other a little bit better!

Today was a pretty laid back day. Classes, reading, and walking around Sesto-now we are trying to book some weekend trips and it is pretty stressful since our group is so large (12 people)...but we will figure something fun out!!

Can't wait to explore Italy and the rest of Europe!!


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