Sunday, January 9, 2011

City of Florence for the first time!

Dinner was amazing last night!! A wonderful risotto soup, potatoes, and Frontega chicken (chicken with tomatoes and cheese on top)!! Bruno (our cook) is great!!

Last night we went out in Sesto looking for a bar, after asking about 10 Italians through their broken English we ended up at a bar called "Drunk". When we walked in there was one couple in the place and the bartenders spoke absolutely no English. So to order we pointed at what we wanted and put up fingers for how many people wanted that. I had a cosmopolitan, because that was the only drink I knew from the menu and it was absolutely delicious (almost as good as Chuck's cosmos), haha and then I drink that was called a "Florida" and it was way too sweet for my liking...but did the trick! We fed Andi tons of drinks for her 21st birthday, so we were all having a great time. We left to come back and we were surprised when our roommates were still up, and then they informed us that it was 1130. Looks like we know how to party ;) ...jet leg I guess??

Orientation was this morning and we met all the professors and learned the rules and about traveling around Sesto/Florence. Then we had lunch, Professor Rebecchini (my art history professor) sat with us and  gave us all sorts of good advice.

Later we heard an Introduction to Florence lecture by Rebecchini and learned about the Corsi Saliviati Family (whose villa we are living in). It was really interesting, but everyone was extremely tired. The Corsi Saliviati family had strong links to the Medici family, which I found cool!

We took a walking tour of Sesto to learn where the bus stops, train stations, and supermakerts are located right before dinner. That night we decided to go into Florence and we took the bus there, while waiting for a bus I tried to speak Italian with the locals and learned quite a bit! We ended up going to Space which is a "discoteca" (club) and had a great first night in the city :)

Waking up at 8 was hard, but I had a quick breakfast (breakfast usually consists of fruit, bread, and jam) and got ready to head into Florence with the group and professors. The city of Florence is beautiful! Of course, I forgot my camera-but my friends took lots for me. We saw the Duomo and Ponte Vecchio for the first time today, and they were amaazing! We didn't do any museums today, but went into two churches. One of them was overlooking the city and was the most beautiful view of Florence.

The weather was great, it was sunny and around 50's and when we went into the churches it was so cold that you could see your breath since they aren't heated.

After finding our own way back to the Villa we all crashed. I took a nap with Hillary and had stuffed ravioli, tomatoes, and bread for dinner.

Classes start tomorrow!! I can't wait!

My class schedule is-

Monday and Wednesdays:
830-10 Julio-Claudian Emperors of Rome
10-1130 Dante and Galileo dropped
5-550 Italian 101

10-1130 Origins and Birth (Art history class)
2-330 Italian Cinema - picked up
4-450 Italian 101

830-10 Origins and Birth (Art history class)
2-330 Italian Cinema - picked up
4-450 Italian 101

Love and miss you all!!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like a great time!! I am jealous about the classes you get to take. I would really enjoy them. Get some rest.

