Monday, January 3, 2011

My First Blog During My Last Days In America!

I've learned that packing is indeed hard work when you only have two suitcases and too many clothes! I feel like I need to bring everything, considering I will be in Italy for two different seasons. I leave this upcoming Thursday (6th) @ 135 pm out of Detroit and arrive in Florence Friday (7th) @ 935 am...a very long flight!

The nerves are trying to get the best of me right now, but Drew is doing a great job of keeping me sane - for now ;) I'm so blessed to be able to study abroad in Florence for a whole semester...and just as blessed for all the people who care about me who will read this blog at some point or another!

I love you all and thank you for all your support!


  1. Here is to having the time of your life!

    Salute e felicita!

    Ti amo, Breezy!


  2. Vostra belle vita (YOUR beautiful life)

    Si intende il Monde per tutti noi (YOU mean the world to all of us)

    Sono Felice che tu Verdere essa (Glad you get to see it)

    5 WORDS! ( 5 Parole!)

    Daddy -

    Ps. sorry for the poor spelling by this novice of the Italian language :)

    Dad -

  3. Breezy -

    You impressed me soooo much with the composure you demonstrated when arriving at the Airport today. It was obvious that you were filled with numerous emotions! Me too!! But you know in your heart that you're "ready for the world".

    Tell Hillary(sp)hi for me. Her Mom and Dad seem like really nice people.

    Let me know that you made it alright. I love you!!

    5 PAROLE!!!

  4. Have fun Brea! Get us a souvenir (I'll buy it from you when you get back =)) Tell Italy I said hello and will see it once I win the lottery. Now go have the time of your life!!
